According to UNHCR, there are 68.5 million forcibly displaced people in the world and 25.4 million of these people are refugees, over half of whom are under the age of 18. In terms of nationality, 57% of refugees worldwide came from three countries; South Sudan, Afghanistan and Syria. Among this 25.4 million people, the number of Syrians corresponds to 5.6 million. Hosting a population of 3,577,752 Syrian refugees, which accounts for the 63.4% of total number, Turkey ranks first in sheltering Syrian refugees, followed by Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt respectively.
Throughout the conflict period in Syria, people had suffered severely and they were unable meet the basic human needs like education, health care, food and housing; causing The United Nations to declare the situation “the worst of the 21st century”.
Helpzone is dedicated to help refugees and contribute to their social, economic inclusion within the communities they live in.

"I am a Human, I have rights, and I need to be aware of them"